Two Years Later, And I'm Back

It's been just under two years since I last posted on here. When I decided to stop blogging, I think it was because I was in a place where I just wasn't enjoying it anymore. There was a lot going on in my life, a lot of changes plus the fact I was doing a degree in Creative Writing, my whole life revolved around writing, and I think it just became too much. I loved it when I first started and then all of a sudden, it became a chore. So I stopped. 

However, since then things have changed. I finished my degree last year and now I have just finished a MA in publishing, and perhaps I should mention the global pandemic too? Anyway, let's not go too far into that. I came across my old blog photos the other day, while cleaning up my laptop and it made me realise how much I loved it. So why not start again. I have had a very big break from writing since my masters didn't really involve it. 

In the last two years I have grown up and changed, I have new ideas for content which I am excited to try out, so I am starting again. I am now a post graduate living at home with her parents. So keep your eyes peeled for some new content. 


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